20 October 2009

Project Idea #2

Project Idea #2

I have been tossing this idea around for a bit, in regards to personal responsibility and interaction with my/our environment.

Problem: Littering:  I deem this a senseless act- dare I say appalling?
I recently visited my niece's school where I was saddened to see the level of apathy in regards to simply throwing away trash, both in and outside of the building.  Students at this particular High School were once able to enjoy their meals outside, but due to the 'littering' problem, that is no longer an option. 

I admit, I've littered.  One time, a gentleman saw me toss something on the ground, and followed me and said that I had 'dropped something' and handed me my trash.  Nice.  I was a bit mortified...and admittedly, haven't 'dropped' anything since.  (John Watson and B.F. Skinner of operant behavioral fame, would have nodded their heads in my persuasion.)

Solution:  Making garbage fun:  in terms of just getting it into the 'can.'

The artist/sculpture Sister Paula Turnbull of Spokane, Washington is the inspiration.  She created an interactive garbage eating goat sculpture for the World's Fair and Expo in 1974 where the theme was 'Our Environment.'  Pressing the button mounted on the basalt rocks behind this sculpture activates a powerful vacuum and children and adults alike can feed garbage and leaves to this voracious critter.  Below are links to the hollow-horned mammal in action!  (One had to pull my siblings and I away from this years ago!)


I want to create a motion activated garbage receptacle that says 'thank you' in various languages.  I'm working on the specifications for this and will post those soon. 

In the meantime, enjoy this! (Thank you for posting Ben!):


There is a toy in it's likeness!

Another inspired goat.

This effect is also appealing to me.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.designspongeonline.com/2009/09/wary-meyers-tossed-found-diy-project.html

    Hey Diane Here is a link to something with the spine design you were talking about for your other class. Thought you might like a look.
