27 October 2009

rough cut

...this will be wrapped more clearly as this piece is pieced together, but for now... here are the bits:

personal responsibility. little broad.  feels a bit harsh.  how about personally responsible?  that flows nicer.  more singular. this art discipline can be...personal and singular.  i should be more. 

started off with a nice idea in a different direction.  thank you prof. park.  garbage can idea tossed aside for now.  still like it.  

so personally.  the word thank you.  never in need of re-stock.  exploring the idea of power in words.  their nuances.  their subtleness. create a space...one that is illuminated by the sound waves of words... (the contrast to this would be interesting to see).

this is what i see:  someone walks by a building/tree/etc., trips the motion sensor, which flickers lights to the soundwaves of recorded 'thank yous' in various languages.

watched this among others and felt a better about concepts of wiring.  first hack job.  looking forward to it.  paroused the isles for sound-making items at various stores.  toys, books, cards.  Took out the speaker of a sound-card I had received in the mail. 

i started off with just doors.  opening them.  triggering a word.  i had imagined a building on campus that i could use.  one with minimal traffic.  one with many doors.  i didn't like the idea of being constricted to a door, though, so i changed the idea to 2 doors.  i keep going back to the contrast idea.  one door opens to a 'thank you' the other to an 'eff you.'  thought this was too literal. 

went then for the idea of the idea that Masaru Emoto had in that exposing water droplets to specific words, pictures and music. he believed their frozen aesthetics were proof of the words that were exposed to them.  his methods for his findings have been scrutinized, but I am struck by the visual representation of a word.  a shape beyond it's physical shape.  words equalling shapes.  its a subtle, non-intrusive way to fill a space with some warm lights and waves. 


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