12 October 2009

Who's Your Mummy? DIY October 2009

I adore Halloween!  Sadly, I cannot recall making any DISH for this holiday:  UNTIL NOW!

This will take 20 minutes out of your life and it's well worth it.  Found this easy how-to through the INSTRUCTABLES website. 

What you will need to create this spooktacular treat:
-hot dogs (your choice - I used chicken franks)
-biscuit dough (one can of ten will be plenty)
-guaze or shredded strips of paper towels

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees

Arrange the biscuits (if store bought) and 'squeeze' them together. The object is to roll out the dough into a uniform 'sheet.'


Wrap each 'dog' with a strip of dough leaving enough room for the mummy's eyes.

Place mummies in oven for 12-15 minutes.

In the meantime, I thought it would be a good idea to use guaze as a nice presentation.  Little did I realize that I grabbed an ace bandage, so I shredded some paper towels into strips and placed them on a plate.

The only thing missing are the eyes.

Et Voila!  A tasty Halloween treat that any age can enjoy!  (and we did...)

Happy Haunting.

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