29 October 2009

keep me where the light is

my space often, if not most of the time, reflects which mode i'm in...currently she's in:  eye-of-storm-aftermath---'it will all be ok in the end.  if it's not ok, it's not the end.' indeed.

making a lamp with an led stringed-light source that dims/brightens to sound waves of 'thank you.'

acquired some materials for my project after meeting with john yesterday.  (many thanks for your help sir)
lights--(set of three 60 mini led indoor/outdoor light sets warm white)
cards that RECORD sound (hallmark seems to be the only 'stop-and-shop' locales) bought and extra note:  6-7 dollar range.  i'm sure with time and planning...you can find the pieces at a more reasonable rate
op amp (radio shack)
power source (?)

motion detector
arduino board--numbers.
lamp-----> either will find one from thrift store or will construct one on my own (wire...paper...recyclable material...dollar store hack one that resonates enclosed sound)
the know-how to wire/program all mechanisms together (meeting with john for how-to friday am)

hack a music card series coming soon. 
all will later be detailed and part of final output.

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