04 November 2009

plugged in ||

The final idea and execution of the third idea in mind was inspired by words.  Starting with changing my own 'problem' that I saw within  I wanted to know what they would digitally look like.  Was their shape coinciding with the 'nuanced intention of the word itself?  Was there a number that could be plugged in somewhere and visually output the shape, say into a string of lights?

I initially thought of a bigger space...On the doors of buildings with high traffic...That seemed too impersonal, since I wanted the subtle visual of thank you to be experienced or viewed or alive or seen for it's shape. 

The delicate nature of a moment, or a gesture is something that I thought to be personally responsible for.  What is it that I emit to my surroundings?  I thought of a couple moments in my life.  One being that of Masaru Emoto's book that certain words, or music can alter the frozen state of water to either the state of beauty or ugliness.  I love that idea.  The idea that a word has a shape and has potential effect on a thing or perhaps a person.  [What effect am I personally responsible for with language choice]? 

The other being a conversation that involved the power of language specifically with saying the word 'sorry.'  Usually in the context of bumping into someone, or a minor occurrence (such as dropping a spoon).  There was a unanimous decision to cease the unnecessary use of the damaging mantra of 'I'm sorry.'  

I say thank you a lot.  I like that phrase.  It's a pure statement, outside of tone, inflection and intention.  It just feels nice.  I wanted to see what that might look like.  What does 'thank you' look like based off of auditory wave output then read through a light source? I wanted the motion sensor involved to signal a focus of a particular action. 

At first I wanted the piece to be a singular unit:  The digital visual of the digital recording of 'thank you.'  It didn't turn out to be what I thought.  So why not change it to suit my visual curiosity? 

Two light sources were created that when set off by a motion sensor (the presence of movement, or a moment), would simultaneously play the audio recorded from a hacked recordable card, and visually show a light response to that recording.  The other source is the changed digital reading (through arduino code).  A subtle delicate response almost to the initial thank you.

This idea is still morphing...

next step:
Detailed photo and written proces with attached code and wiring plan and current 'prototype.

Solution met?  I think so.  It was a great reminder that the little things...the pieces...they all matter.  A nice complement to a convergence into the world of wired possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness that is so awesome! I love this idea and you really executed it well! Nicely done =)
